Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR), also known in some countries as external dispute resolution, is a process by which disagreeing parties can resolve disputes outside the courtroom, most commonly through mediation and arbitration. Where appropriate, ADR allows disputants to minimize costs and delays of a trial, and to have their disputes resolved confidentially.

Mediation is especially useful when parties wish to consider settling a dispute, sometimes to preserve an existing relationship. With arbitration, both parties allow a neutral third party to decide the outcome of a dispute. Other types of ADR include neutral evaluation, where a third-party expert gives a recommendation to aid negotiation, and settlement conferences, where a neutral “settlement officer” helps parties reach an agreement.

GF&M can represent parties with alternative dispute resolution in a number of legal areas. In addition, GF&M has retired judges who serve as neutrals in ADR.